Electronics Omni-wheel robot PCB redesign In the previous article, I found out there were some mistakes on the PCB of an omni-wheel robot. Here, I present the PC... 2024.11.30 ElectronicsRobot
Electronics Omni-wheel robot assembly: failed to move… In this article, I am going to assemble the omni-wheel robot. The PCB has come from PCBWay. This corporation thankfully... 2024.10.14 ElectronicsRobot
Electronics PCB design of omni-wheel robot: use dxf file for edge.cuts layer This article explains the PCB design of an omni-wheel robot. The schematic was designed in the other article. Design... 2024.09.07 ElectronicsRobot
Electronics Schematic for omni-wheel robot The design of the remote controller is summarized here. This article shows how to design the omni-wheel robot's schemat... 2024.08.11 ElectronicsRobot
Electronics 秋月の BNO055 を ESP32 で使ってみる BMX055 をこれまで使っていた(使い方解説ページ)のですが、この IMU センサは 2024年8月現在製造中止になっているらしく、BNO055 の使い方を調べました。 モジュールは秋月のサイトから購入しました。 ... 2024.08.10 Electronics
Electronics ESP32 で bmx055(IMU センサ)を動かす bmx055(IMU センサ)を ESP32 で使用する際の備忘録をまとめておきます。秋月電子にて bmx055 のモジュールは買えます。arduino で bmx055 を使いたい場合や madgwick filter の使い方を知りた... 2024.06.16 Electronics
Electronics Order a PCB to PCBWay In the previous article, I posted an ESP32 remote controller PCB design using KiCad. Here, I summarize the way to order... 2024.06.08 Electronics
Electronics Remote controller design with ESP32-WROVER-B I summarized the design of a remote controller with ESP32. My goal is to create the one that controls an omni-wheel rob... 2024.03.31 Electronics
Electronics Generate 3.3V from 3.7V 1s LiPo battery for ESP32 More than I expected, generating 3.3V from 3.7V seems difficult and there is no standard way. There are a bunch of disc... 2024.03.17 Electronics
Electronics Utilize a symbol and footprint from SnapMagic on KiCad By following the procedure described in this article, you can use a symbol and footprint from SnapMagic on KiCad. Ge... 2024.03.03 Electronics